To be loved and have a sense of belonging is amongst our most basic human needs. In order to love and be loved we allow ourselves to be vulnerable by trusting and sharing our thoughts, feelings, dreams, and insecurities with another person. It is unlikely that anyone else will know us at a deeper level than our partner. Unfortunately, when two individuals blend their lives together it can lead to the greatest pain when things go wrong. Sometimes we just can’t let go of that person, even long after a break-up. We need to move on and yet we can neither go back or move forwards. We become stuck in a rut. Other times the spark is lost and it is unclear how to reignite it. There are times when we don’t know where to go from here. It’s not always clear how to move forward, and it’s not always comfortable to discuss personal issues with friends or family. Evolution Hypnotherapy can offer you a new perspective, and also help you say goodbye to the past, to clear the way for the future happiness that you deserve.
Hypnotherapy can offer you a new perspective, and also help you say goodbye to the past, to clear the way for the future happiness that you deserve.
Nobody has all the answers to making a relationship stay happy but below are a few tips that can certainly keep you on the right track.

Courting. Never stop dating or take your partner for granted. Why is it many people stop dating the day after they get married? Make sure you remember to keep the romance in your relationship.
We constantly change. You’re not the same person today as you were when you got married, and in future years you will have changed again Change will come, life gets busy with commitments and children but remember it’s always a choice to stay together.
Always see the best in your partner. Remember what you focus on expands Focus on what you like about your partner Don’t look for things that may annoy you If you focus on what annoys you will find more things to annoy you. focus on what you love about each other,
Don't blame your partner if you get frustrated or angry. They are your emotions, your responsibility. You were attracted to this person because they brought out the best in you. If the relationship begins to trigger old childhood wounds, seeking help for yourself is the best thing you can do for both of you. When you heal yourself, you will no longer be triggered by those old wounds, and you may even wonder why you ever were.
Don’t forget Intimacy working on your intimacy, will enhance a great level of excitement in the bedroom, Spice it up from time to time and make sure you always see them as your lover as well as your best friend.
Lighten up Don’t take yourself or life too seriously. Laugh often and make her partner laugh when you can. Laughter makes everything else easier.
Communicate Being open and vulnerable in a relationship is very important. . Be willing to listen even if you are not comfortable with what is being said. When the subject gets hard, put yourself in your partner's shoes and you will find more compassion and understanding. Problems are easier solved with openness and a willingness to compromise
Never stop growing together It doesn’t matter how much you both change its important to continue to find common goals, dreams, and visions to work towards together.
Forgive. We all make mistakes, that’s how we learn and grow. Anger & resentment will unconsciously eat away at love. Forgiveness will help heal the hurt.